Saturday, December 9, 2006

Clashing Gods

It's possible to solve this problem diplomatically. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have these things in common. They each worship the words of men who claim to have the words of The Supreme Being. The gods they worship are all male gods. They must sacrifice the prepuce of their infant sons to please their male gods. Neonatal Circumcision induced delusional schizophrenia is one of the negative side effects, in all three. Outlaw FGM and MGM and keep it contained within Islamic culture. Then the rest of the world can watch to see what happens. They will take care of this problem and kill each other off, or we'll all have to go to war to see who's god is strongest. Religion becomes culture. The purpose of a culture is to out bread it's neighbors. Cutting a mans prepucial frenular delta nerves decreases the incidents of rape but increases the rates of terrorism with in each culture. Male Creator is an oxi-moron and is the cause of all the confusion. Circumcision is just a side effect from worshipping false gods. It removes one of the symptoms but not the cause.We can live without our eyelids, foreskin, lips, ears, nose, fingers, etc. Their functions are to enhance our quality of life. They are parts of our largest organ, the epidermis. I think it would be better to learn how to live with them. If you have to cut them off, is simply a sign that you're doing something wrong. Besides, cutting body parts off of infants causes the corresponding brain receptors to dysfunction from disuse atrophy. Dopamine and endorphin production is altered. The function of the male and female prepuce is for protection and to enhance sexual affection. It has nothing to do with reproduction except desire. Consider the masses of people walking around with dysfunctional sex parts and brain chemistry malfunctions. This would lead to much more incidence of depressed delusional schizophrenic suicidal bombers, don't you think? It's not wise to fool Mother Mature. Baptise it! Don't circumcision it. In other words cleanse it before and after sex and you will avoid having to cut it off from infections. But remember that you can still get UTI's (including HIV) cut or intact, so play safe. The only true reason to commit neonatal circumcision is to alter sexual function as babies are at low risk of having sexual encounters until after puberty. Evolution amplifies creation.The problem with evolution is it does not recognize the Singularity before the big bang as a life form. The problem with creation is it assumes the creator was male because men are stronger than females. The Big Bang is the "BIG BIRTH" of all life. Creation is a feminine attribute. We were all created in our mothers wombs and if we could go back in time we would come to the womb of creation, not the penis. Male function is to protect and provide for the female. Male Creator is an oxi-moron. Thinking of our creator as a male causes a schism in logical thinking and leads to schizophrenic societies. Our thought patterns get caught in a loop. The proof is in the prepuce. Its function is to protect and enhance sexual pleasure. If we have to cut it off means we're doing something wrong. Natural laws cause men who worship male creators to have to cut off their own sons prepuces. This taking away of pleasure and security with a traumatic shock is now known to be one of the causes of schizophrenia. Humans evolved wolves into dogs. We are the creators of dogs. Intelligence is obtained from trial and error. Evolution works on trial and error. At the end of evolution the strongest life form becomes the Singularity and the gestation and birth of everything cycle begins all over again so life is eternal . Written by frhodes85715 . Link to this entry Blog about this entry Notify AOL